JH Engineering, LLC (JHE) is an industry-leading engineering firm that specializes in commissioning and startup (C&SU) of water and wastewater projects. JHE’s primary focus is planning, conducting, managing, implementing, and directing the C&SU phase of infrastructure delivery. JHE is a multi-faceted firm capable of adding value to any level on a project, whether supporting the Client, the Contractor, or the Engineer.    

During design, JHE’s role is to identify and resolve potential issues before they arise, smoothing out the construction process and minimizing change orders through constructability and operability reviews. JHE identifies inconsistencies between plans and specifications, any issues with coordination of trades, opportunities to support interim and startup condition operations, and focuses keenly on reviewing the design from an operations and maintenance perspective. We realize the Operations and Maintenance Staff within our Clients’ organizations are our true end Clients. We strive to ensure the facilities are delivered in a condition that allows for duties to be completed safely, ergonomically, and with pride. JHE can also engage in value engineering and assisting in developing a baseline schedule and project milestones.

JHE’s support during the construction phase is dependent on the project needs. JHE can provide traditional contractor oversight during commissioning and startup, develop the test plans and procedures for inclusion in the bid documents, or implement the test plans and procedures while conducting the commissioning and startup phases of a project. JHE offers seamless integration with the contractor as well as proper testing, troubleshooting, and systematic fine-tuning to ensure each project component operates as designed.

JHE is currently registered in Texas, Nevada, Arizona, and New Mexico and holds professional engineering licenses in Texas, Nevada, Arizona, and New Mexico. Company and professional registration can be gained in other states to suit the needs of any project and client.